From the Eye of the Dragon – Too Much Wrestling!

*** This column marks my one year anniversary in writing this column series! I have more about it in my post column section for all those interested! But first read the column! ***

“I disagree with that!”

“What are they thinking?!?”

“I hope they don’t go through with this….”

When it comes to wrestling, we hear those above quotes all too much, especially when WWE is involved. Casual fans and acclaimed critics alike all too often take shots at something they claim to love. If you are reading this column, chances are you have complained about something such as what you feel is a “tasteless angle” or a “horrid gimmick.” We’ve all done it, including myself. Yet why do we continually take time out of our days to bash something we claim to love? Well, I think the very thing we do to quench our thirst for wrestling is actually making us hate it more

What is that you ask? Well quite simply, we watch way too much wrestling. Now many people will call me crazy for making such an accusation. If we’re wrestling fans, aren’t we naturally going to watch as much of it as possible? Yes, that’s true. But, at the same time, the overexposure we get to the product actually makes us start to hate it. The more we watch, the more we see how it starts to work. Gone is the original magic that first sucked us in, and we start to become skeptical. Instead of enjoying (or happily hating) a Triple H push, we start to question what he did backstage to get in that position. Instead of enjoying a Kurt Angle match, we start to complain about that fact he doesn’t “sell” well enough.

Of course the next question is whether or not we enjoy this critiquing our “favorite” hobby. I’m sure many of us do, yet at the same time, those who critique it usually complain about it at the same time. How can you like something yet spend most of your time complaining about it? It doesn’t make sense. The bottom line is, the more you watch something, the more you start to hate it. After all, things do inevitably become old.

For anyone who knows me well enough, they know my favorite movie series of all time is Star Wars. I enjoy each movie of the saga equally as much as the next. Yet at the same time, if I start to watch them too much, they get boring. Even me, who is an avid fan because I read the books, collect the merchandise and frequently attend Star Wars conventions, watching the movies too much makes me too much of a critic. I start looking for mistakes and discrepancies instead of enjoying the films the way I first did. In a way, it’s kind of sad. I claim I love Star Wars, yet at the same time, I start to get bored with it if I watch too much. (Side Note: Yes, I’m a Star Wars and wrestling fan. You know I’m the life of the party!)

By absorbing ourselves in too much wrestling, it almost becomes a chore to watch. Some people say they like critiquing the various products, but they truly can’t enjoy it as much as they used to. Yes, fans need to quench their wrestling thirst, but when it comes to the extent that they let their heads fill up with so much knowledge that they become cynical critics instead of diehard fans, then there is a problem. Some fans watch so much wrestling, that they look down on the innocent marks and what they like. If anything, they should be jealous of their fellow fans. These marks watch wrestling because they enjoy it, not so they can go on their computer and rip apart match after match and promo after promo. They watch wrestling to be entertained, not to critique. I know I sometimes am jealous of my mark counterparts.

I don’t mean to say that all avid fans are big headed “smarks.” There are many great wrestling minds out there like Dave Meltzer, Bryan Alvarez, and Wade Keller who have made their careers out of being critics, and for the most part, they enjoy wrestling just as much as they should. However, there is a common trend of wrestling fans who become so absorbed in their “smark” ways, that they destroy the original reason they were fans: to be entertained!

So what to do? Is their any way to remedy the situation? If you find yourself in this situation, as I have in the past, it’s important to realize why you are a fan in the first place. Perhaps go back and watch those first few matches that got you hooked on wrestling. Sure you will view them with a different perspective, as you know much more about wrestling this time around, but hopefully the original magic you saw will be there, and reinforce your feelings as fan.

The second virtue to learn is patience. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve talked to my column readers, forum friends, or other fellow fans that jump all over wrestling angles or characters without giving them time to develop. People were crapping all over Edge dropping the WWE Title to John Cena, but didn’t realize that Edge would steal the show at Wrestlemania because of it. People are already saying now that Kane’s storyline is ridiculous. How could anyone make this accusation without giving the angle any time? These are just a few examples of the many. If we become more patient and let things play themselves out, we might find ourselves enjoying wrestling more.

Third, and possibly the most important thing, is to take a break from wrestling, or the internet wrestling community. Some will say I am blaspheming by saying such a thing, but hear me out. As an example, sometimes a relationship with problems is saved when the couple takes a break from each other. This in turn makes them miss each other, and yearn for something they sometimes take for granted. The same applies for wrestling. If you find yourself hating on everything that happens, take a break. Miss a few Raw’s, stop downloading matches for a week, do something. Then see if you miss wrestling at all. If you do, then come back with your new attitude, and start to enjoy it once more!

All in all, many fans will say that there is no such thing as too much wrestling. While I think that is true to an extent, there is definitely an ethical limit to how much wrestling we indulge ourselves in. If you ever find yourself on the negative side of the fan fence, take a minute and step back. Wrestling isn’t worth getting all worked up for. Remember, it’s only a hobby so enjoy it!


Thanks for reading everyone! Well this is going to be a longer post column section than usual, and that’s for one reason: It’s my one year anniversary! I would like to take this opportunity to say a few things.

It’s been a hell of a year, and one that was very enjoyable at that. To think I started writing on some back-water website with a few lame columns under the banner “Totally Tim,” I’ve come a long way. I now write for some of the best websites on the ‘net, and I won Column of the Month on only a few months after I started writing. I scored a position on the prestigious Wrestling Roundtable, and even got to guest host the popular “Wrestling Crossfire” radio show, which was a definite delight. To add to that, I secured a spot in the Top Ten of the Triad Top 50 Columnists on the IWC. To say I’m happy about these accomplishments is a tremendous understatement.

None of this would be possible though without my loyal readers. The support I get from many of you is very flattering. I never thought I’d add over 100 new people to my Buddy List due to columns, or answer countless emails either. It’s been a great pleasure talking to all of you, especially to the ones who I talk with on a regular basis. It is you guys who make column writing worth my time, and I hope that you all continue reading and chatting with me!

Finally, I would like to thank the guy who made so much of my success a possibility: Douglas Nunnally. Many of you are probably familiar to his columns series, “Column O’ Nonsense” or his “Squared Circle Reviews.” He is the owner of the, and without his support or opportunities, there is no way in hell I’d be where I’m at now. He’s been a tremendous help, and I am truly grateful for all the help he has given me. Thanks Doug!

Well, here is to another year of this! I will continue to give the IWC the best insight around, and I will hopefully get more opportunities this year to show everyone my love for writing and wrestling.

Thanks again to everyone who has made this possible! If you have any feedback, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me!


AIM: Last Ride 417

For many years to come, this has been From the Eye of the Dragon….


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