Raven is Coming!

*Raven will be posting articles for wrestlezone in the near future. In these articles Raven will try to write in a way to showcase his 143 i.q. Just keep in mind that Raven has a severe cas of Attention Deficit Disorder, so don’t be surprised if the article starts out talking about the evolution of the Franchise character, and ends with a discussion on quantam physics.

quoth Gilbertti, nevermore.

*I thought Brock Lesnar looked good last night. His inexperience cost him, but he definately has a style that will generate fans. He looks the part of a killer, that’s for sure.

quoth Gilbertti, nevermore.

*New England 34, NYG 10. Now they’re looking into allegations that New England cheated in the 2002 Super bowl. All that does is piss them off. Need to get this prediction up before the game starts.

quoth Gilbertti, nevermore.

*I buried Konnan and his crony Chris Cash in the debate, on his own show 5150 live! How often does a “moderator” take sides? I don’t think it was a coincidence that Scott Hudson wasn’t the moderator. It’s my understanding that he couldn’t get to a phone because he had “4 Flat Tires!” Either way, I still won the debate by providing FACT to my arguments, as opposed to Konnan and Chris’ misinformed opinions.

quoth Gilbertti, nevermore.

*Been reading the Impacts that you guys have been sending in and for the most part the majority of them stink. So far my favorite things that stick out are “Black Love” and “Sonjay Fresh.” I laughed out loud at both of those.

quoth Gilbertti, nevermore

*Chris the authority Schulz had a crappy article this week, burying Impact coming off it’s highest rating. Guys like Chris are the ones that are truly hurting the business, criticizing a product at it’s high point. The problem is guys like that are fans of a product that doesn’t draw. It reminds me back in the Attitude era when they were doing the Corporate Ministry angle and the sheets were burying it and every week it would go 6.0, 6.2, 6.3. At least the writers at TNA aren’t wasting their time reading Chris Schulz’s articles. I would suspect that Chris will be posting his own version of Impact shortly, since he knows what needs to be done.

quoth Gilbertti, nevermore.

*I saw where Sid made some comments comparing himself to Hogan in popularity. Funny how when a wrestler gives an interview that isn’t on a wrestling show people take him seriously. I would assume Sid was kidding(working.)

quoth Gilbertti, nevermore.

*Did everyone see me debut my new character, Shark Boy’s dad, on Impact, their highest rated show ever? I don’t want to take full credit for the rating, but the numbers don’t lie. Looking for a feud down the line with Myself and Shark Boy against B.G. and Bullet, for the belts, of course. Maybe we should call ourselves The Shark Attack? Or how about The Shark Foundation? Or even The Shmarks?

quoth Gilbertti, nevermore.

*I would also suspect Chris Cash and Konnan will be submitting their versions of Impact since they were so pointed in their diatribe against TNA during the debate. My challenge was issued specifically for guys like them. Know it alls. Well, if they think they can do a better job than current creative, then prove it.

quoth Gilbertti, nevermore.

*I guess it would be appropriate for me to crown myself “The King of Wrestlezone Debates.” If anyone would like to debate me, then provide a subject(of my liking) and i will take a contrarian opinion to whoever wants to challenge me. Just Sign that dotted line!!

quoth Gilbertti, nevermore.


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