Random Thoughts

*Read an interesting article, to say the least, from Bruce Mitchell of pwtorch.com where he somewhat incoherently compared TNA’s booking philosophy to trying to target the homosexual demographic, I think, because I kept having to read his paragraphs over and over to understand exactly what he was trying to say. I guess Mitchell is supposed to be a respected wrestling journalist, since I believe he writes a weekly article for pwtorch. It’s funny how these guys cram so much misinformation into their writings and nobody questions them. I will oblige. Mr. Mitchell likes to credit Vince Russo as the head of creative, I think, because he seems to place alot of credit, or blame for that matter, on Vince for what airs. That would be like trying to blame the offensive coordinator for a football team’s failures because you’re so misinformed that you actually think he’s the head coach. I hope alot of people don’t take too much from his musings, since he doesn’t really know alot about what he’s talking about. It was funny to see him make the homosexuality comparison, especially since he writes for a newsletter and a website, until they started using the UGO pop-up add, which to my recollection has rarely, if ever, featured a picture of a woman on their site. I see alot of pictures of half of the writer’s faces, but I can’t recall seeing any women. That’s pretty strange for a site that writes about a show that targets the 18-34 year old male demographic. You would think they would spice the site up a little bit more to give it more sex appeal. Nah. These guys are content with engulfing themselves inside the wrestling bubble and playing armchair booker to the weekly shows, and explaining what needs to be done to get more viewers, as if based on what I’ve seen fom their site that they’d actually know.

Here’s the main difference between guys like that and guys like me. I’ve actually lived the professional wrestling experience. What does that mean? I’ve beat my body up and sufferd alot of physical pain to put on a good show for the people that pay their hard earned money to come see a wrestling show. I’ve spent countless hours studying tapes of other performers to try to mimmick what works and what doesn’t. Because I’ve been a television star, I’ve received alot of perks in my personal life. Can a Bruce Mitchell walk up to the front door of Drai’s After Hours in Las Vegas, one of the best clubs in the world which usually costs 50 bucks to get into and say,”I wrote an article this week on why Vince Russo should be fired on pwtorch.com. Can you guys let me in for free?” The bottom line is that if I sold you a month of my life, where you would perform on live tv in front of 10,000 people 20 times, get in free to every strip joint and club you go to, meet alot of hot chicks, eat steaks or sushi each night for dinner, and spend your free time working out, what would you pay for it? Would it be worth more than what you would pay to watch a wrestling show and write fifteen hundred words on it so it can be seen on a website? People wonder why I sound like such a heel, but I think you’d be hardpressed to find a logical person that would rather hear about the wrestling business from a Bruce Mitchell instead of a Glenn Gilbertti.

*No surprise the giveaway on Raw didn’t pop a rating. Ultimately, since it’s pro wrestling, you’re going to have a hard time convincing your casual fan that it’s not a work, whether it is or isn’t.

*Check out Austin Idol promos on youtube. Definately one of the best interviews of all-time, which is no surprise that he drew every where he went, even though he never really went anywhere. He HATED to travel, which held him back from being one of the biggest stars of all-time.

*I will give Tommy Fierro credit for being creative. Unfortunately, that doesn’t necassarily mean your ideas are any good. The latest one is just downright awful. Tommy apparantely gets alot more excited about contract negotiations than your typical layperson. It’s not like kids were dancing in the streets of New York City yesterday and showering in fire hydrant fountains when they found out that Plaxico Burress wouldn’t report to camp until he gets his contract renegotiated. Can you see a nine year old kid watching Raw with his dad? “Dad, why isn’t John Cena wrestling tonight?” “Well, son, his contract had an option in the third year, but Cena won’t wrestle until he has that third year renegotiated. But don’t worry, they may give him a contract extension and defer some of the money which means he could be back on the show as early as next week!”

Or how about the shows eventually only have about six or seven guys on them because performers that failed the wellness policy are being blackballed? Or how about this for some serious heat? They build up HHH and Cena for Wrestlemania and on the day of the show HHH refuses to wrestle unless he gets an extension. Vince Mcmahon refuses to give in and the match is cancelled! No Wrestlemania Main Event! Can you imagine the ratings the next night on Raw?!

Poor Tommy is using this site to showcase his booking skills. His past article should be erased before someone from WWE sees it. I do agree that I could’ve been the next Honkytonk Man, though. I’d like to see how Tommy would book my entrance into the WWE in his next installment.

*I was a pretty harsh on Hogan in my last article, but now i see where the guy is coming from. One thing about Hulk, is that he’s easily one of the most loyal guys I’ve ever met. He’s maintained a circle of friends for over twenty five years, and treats them well to this day. Can you blame him for defending his son? What’s he suppose to do? Let the kid rot in jail without trying to stand up for him? Of course he’s made some mistakes, but I can’t imagine how Nick would feel if his dad abondoned him during this period of adversity, and I can’t imagine anyone that wouldn’t want his dad to treat him like Hulk has through this ordeal. If people would look through the paparazzi’s spin on this mess,they’d see that Hogan is just trying to be the best dad he can right now.

These are just my opinions, and are meant for entertainment purposes only.


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