Truly Random Thoughts

I’ve been watching more wrestling on tv lately than I usually do. Since I’ve got writer’s block on a basic subject to talk about, these are truly random thoughts.

*I can see why Cryme Tyme is over so much. They show alot of fire and charisma, and they’re big dudes. Even thought they did a job monday, you would’ve never known they were going to based on their entrance. There’s so many guys in the biz that go to the ring with a boo-boo face on that you just KNOW they’re going to lose.

*Saw something very interesting on AAA. Teddy Hart cut a promo in english and they used sub-titles. We should do that with guys thst can’t speak english in the states, too.

*I’m surprised wrestling shows aren’t advertising the way nascar does. Sponsors on guys tights, on the ring apron, etc…. I would definately want my sponsor to be Chico’s Bail Bonds.

*The promos on TNA bhave been great lately. The reason they’re so good is that when guys are talking you BELIEVE that they can back up what they’re saying. The tone in their voice escalates each week, then they fight. It just puts an exclamation point on why some guys will always be top guys, and that others still have a long ways to go.

*I could still get a better reaction than 80% of the guys on tv these days. No question.

*Check out spin cylcle. My return to tv, er, internet tv. Russo, Terry Taylor, Simon Diamond, and myself are the guests. Funny stuff, but don’t take us too seriously.

*Jeremy Borash is an under the radar star in this business. You won’t believe how much work this guy actually does.

*I would respond to Mark Madden, but I already have repeatedly in the forums previously. You could’ve copied and pasted his fire russo rant off of the message boards. I guess I’ll take his word that he’s not bitter, that he’s happily content sitting at home doing nothing right now instead of announcing, especially since one of his previous articles talked about how bad he thinks the announcing is.

*Some wierd stuff on the site this week. I tried to log-in and I couldn’t, because someone kept trying to log-in under my name and couldn’t get the password right. So I got locked out. Did this happen to anyone else? Who would have such a useless life to try to get into my wrestlezone account?? I bet it was Bryan Danielson.

*I figured out a way to try to teach the younger guys in the business how to sell. Watch Italian soccer.

*Speaking of soccer, it’s a little known fact that i was one of the best soccer players in the state of Georgia between the ages 0f 9-12. Played on all the all-star teams and went to play in England on the Georgia select team. That’s how i learned how to sell. Playing soccer.

*Hockey season’s getting under way, which means the resumption of my guilty pleasure of watching hockey fights on youtube. Used to love The Goon character, by the way.

*What’s the deal with the mover guys on smackdown? Does this mean there’s hope of finally getting my evil archaeologist characters on tv? Artie Fact and Doug Hole? If you really want to put those guys over huge, they should do a spot where HHH goes home and everything in his house is gone, and the next week on smackdown they’re having a fire sale on all of his stuff out of the back of their moving truck.

*I’ve decided not to be contraversial anymore, since the site doesn’t even promote when my articles are up. It’s good to see that Lance Storm gets alot of pub on the internet still, which in itself should speak volumes of the type of fan you can find on the web. Are there really people out there that actually want to hear what this guy has to say? He’s a laughing stock in the industry, but I guess since he wants to see russo fired he deserves to be heard.

*I probably don’t know as much about wrestling as I actually do, but I THINK that I know more than I do. There. I admitted it. Now if the schmucks in the message boards can follow suit…

*This was the best post I’ve seen in a long time on the message boards. It’s the last paragraph from “anonymous” responding to a typical message board post:


Originally Posted by MisterRob

“Very intense promo from Joe this week, from the clip I saw of it. How did Sting get a title shot against Joe at Bound for Glory? The guys absent for a year or something, hasn’t wrestled or beaten anyone significant, and suddenly he has a title shot against the champion at the biggest pay per view of TNA’s year? Wow. Storyline or not that sucks for the entire TNA roster that busts their asses all year long, and other top talent that should be headlining a PPV.

I really didn’t like Sting’s promo (the repetition of “Joe” aside) and I really think the storyline needs to be more interesting. They should take example from Michaels vs. Jericho. There seems to be a lot of flaws and holes in this entire old vs. young storyline, especially with the introduction of Jarrett into it.”

Why did Randy Orton get a Title shot against John Cena just for attacking Cena’s father? Why was Chris Jericho in the RAW Championship Scramble Match and end up winning the Title when HBK destroyed him earlier that night? Heck, with this logic, why did El Generico get a Title shot against Nigel McGuinness on this past ROH show? The point that I am trying to make is that sometimes, and only sometimes, you really do have to throw logic out the window when it comes to wrestling. I really think that you are nitpicking and just asking for too much from something that is already looking good when you are stating that this storyline needs to be more interesting. Introducing Jarrett and the following promo after that was one of the better promos from TNA and from the reviews of it, it seems like many including the internet critics and pundits liked it too. For all intents and purposes, Jarrett’s return and promo made sense. Angle was great on the mic as well. While I don’t think that you are necessarily wrong in what you are saying, it is still nitpicking, and I feel that this type of nitpicking makes fans and people in the Industry (like say a Disco) roll their eyes when it comes to IWFs. You pretty much have a good thing with Jarrett’s return and promo, but then some pundit comes in and says “it could be better,” or in your case “it could be more interesting;” that, my fellow keyboard warrior, is nitpicking and overanalyzing.

Put an exlamation point on that last sentence.

*Braylon edwards better do something against the Bengals, or my fantasy football team is doomed. In a td only league, this wek should I play in my third wr spot 1) Ike Hilliard 2) Isaac Bruce or 3) Chansi Stuckey?

If anyone goes to church this Sunday, say a small prayer for my team.

*”Ladies and Gentleman. I have just been informed that Shawn Michaels…..has LEFT the building!” I used to love that from the Fink.


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