eric estrada

WZ Presents The Debut Edition of Nick’s “Not News of the Week”

4. Taz recently spoke out and answered some fan questions concerning his time spent with WWE and his subsequent departure. Below is an excerpt:

If you could go back and talk to your younger self, what’s the one thing you’d say?

Taz: Be patience, be humble and mos importantly BE TALLER!

I’d like to add to that. “Be a dictionary.”

5. “The Daily Star” out of the UK recently did an article on Michelle McCool but mistakenly referred to her and pictured her as Kelly Kelly.

For the record, Kelly has no idea that she is indeed NOT Michelle McCool.

6. The “NY Daily News” had a photo of Brooke Hogan cutting her 21st birthday cake. Brooke celebrated two 21st birthday parties, one in Las Vegas and another in Atlantic City.

And I was able to score the following photo of Linda Hogan’s boyfriend eating a slice of the cake:










Thanks for reading the debut written edition of The Not News of the Week. You can catch the news every Monday right here at, and remember, if it’s not worth talking about, it’s definitely “Not News.

And please feel free to send any and all feedback to [email protected]