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Nick’s Latest, Exclusive Column: “Nick Goes to the Forums!”

Let’s take a look at what’s on everyone’s minds lately!

The following was posted by Matty256

Why shouldn’t Batista get the same treatment Kennedy did?

I understand your sentiment here Matty, and immediately thought the same thing when I heard that Batista was to be sidelined with yet another injury, but the simple fact of the matter is that Batista has remained healthy long enough to establish himself as a major star in WWE. Kennedy followed that trajectory many times, but each time he was close to breaking through, he was injured and never had a chance to draw the company any significant amount of money. The bottom line here is that we might not think much of Batista in the Internet Wrestling Community due to his limited in-ring ability, but the mainstream fans love him and he has sold PPV’s based on his ability to draw. Batista has made money for WWE, plain and simple. Kennedy has not, and I think WWE felt he never would, so they released him but are keeping The Animal around.

The following was posted by JohnTenta4HOF

Fact or Fiction: Kofi Kingston Deserves A Main Event Push Over MVP.

Fiction. At this point, I can understand how you’d feel this way, but overall I’d say it’s too early to give up on MVP. The one thing WWE prides in a wrestler far more than his ability to wrestle is his mic skills and the way he connects with the audience as a character. So far, we know nothing about Kofi Kingston as a character and have maybe heard him speak 4 words since he debuted on WWE TV.

I agree that MVP is losing momentum as he seems to be ditching more and more of the character traits that got him over with the fans in the first place, but it’s not as if he’s by any means a dead fish on Raw. The fans still connect with him when he’s on the mic and WWE needs to try as hard as they can with him before they decide to push someone else in his place.

Kofi needs work too. As the new US Champ it is time for us to learn more about Kofi and connect with him as a character in addition to a great in-ring worker. Where can Kofi’s feuds go if we never hear him speak? Has he been involved in any meaningful angles since debuting on WWE TV? This guy needs character depth in a bad way, and until that’s implemented, I think MVP is the guy that needs to take a step up on the card.

The following was posted by Paradox100

Does John Morrison need to drop the “Doors” gimmick to be a success?

That’s a great question, and I think the answer is yes and no, but mostly no. He doesn’t need to drop the gimmick entirely, but the issue is that he isn’t doing anything differently as a face than he was as a heel, so something needs to give. This guy has unbelievable ring skills, and I think much like Kofi Kingston WWE is getting lazy and relying too heavily on them. He isn’t getting the true crowd response he could be getting because I would bet there’s a percentage of the live crowd that has no idea he isn’t a heel anymore. He has the same ring entrance, the same cocky pose on the turnbuckle before and after matches, and most importantly, he doesn’t talk. WWE needs to allow him to get back on the mic and showcase his sense of humor, but this time as a face who works with the crowd instead of a heel that works against them. He can remain “Morrison-esque,” but we need to hear from him occasionally.

The following was posted by Timmy872

Tyson or DH. Who has the staying power?

This is a tough question, because as you pointed out both are very talented young wrestlers, but I would have to go with Tyson at this point. In my opinion, Tyson has a better in-ring presence and is a better technical worker. The hazard he has working against him is that he is clearly the smaller of the two, and Smith has the size that WWE seems to drool over. But overall, I think Kidd just has the whole package at this point where Smith needs to develop his game in the ring a bit further. It will be interesting to see where both these guys go as I see them both having excellent careers assuming they make the right moves.

The following was posted by ZTWhite

Don West is Growing on Me.

I know a good doctor that can remove him for you.


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