Memo To Jeff; A Band-Aid On The Kennedy Head Wound


If Dixie Carter thinks she can fix TNA by ditching insignificant peons like Dutch Mantel and Savio Vega, she should think again.

TNA requires a housecleaning, not just some light dusting. Jeff Jarrett is gone, but his creative infrastructure – the creative infrastructure that is ruining the promotion – is still firmly in place. If the New York Yankees were in last place, they wouldn’t fire the batboys. They’d fire Joe Girardi. They’d fire the manager.

So what the heck is Vince Russo still doing there?

Russo supporters always deflect calls for his firing by saying, “He’s not really in charge. It’s a committee” or whatever.

OK, so fire everybody. Or be honest, identify who’s in charge and fire him. But whoever’s responsible for the disaster that is TNA should hit the bricks. It ain’t Dutch Mantel. It ain’t Savio Vega.

Everyone thinks Paul Heyman would be the logical choice to take over. But he’s got his own thing going with “The Heyman Hustle” and anyway, I think Heyman would see TNA as a no-win situation because of the lousy performers he’d inherit. TNA has so many people you just can’t do anything with.

Heyman would – and should – want a talent overhaul before booking TNA. But Carter has trouble firing a few people, let alone half the roster.

So, things won’t change much at TNA. Dixie’s too dumb. On the bright side, she’s also too dumb to pull the plug. Keep stealing that paycheck, boys.