Nick’s Pay-Per-Review: WWE SummerSlam 2009

Unified Tag Team Titles Match: Chris Jericho and Big Show vs Cryme Tyme: This was a better match than I expected. The idea of Jericho/Big Show working with Cryme Tyme didn’t appeal to me on paper, but the two teams worked surprisingly well together. Cryme Tyme has some nice double team offense, and they are certainly over with the crowd, so this is a feud that should not end with last night’s match.I fear, however, that it will. WWE has never given Cryme Tyme much more than the occasional 30 second burst of a push, so it would make sense that they’d do the same thing again, but I think they’d be making a mistake. I know the concept of tag team wrestling seems like a long lost hope within WWE, but the current tag champs have enough star power to really boost tag team awareness on both Raw and Smackdown. Much like the Ziggler/Rey feud, there is a lot of potential here for Cryme Tyme to have a series of matches against Jericho and Big Show that could ultimately put the team over as big stars on Smackdown. 6.5 Stars.

The Great Khali vs Kane: This felt like watching two dinosaurs try to wade through a bucket of superglue. But then again who expected anything else? The bottom line here is that WWE loves pitting two super heavyweights against each other at big PPV events because they think the draw is in watching two larger than life athletes stand side-by-side in the ring. The problem is that Khali is hardly an athlete, and even less a capable walker. The effect of two giants in the ring wears off in about 30 seconds, and all you’re left with is the reality of a terrible wrestling match. 3 Stars.


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