The Biz: Why So Serious?…and Jeff Hardy Feedback

Greg C. writes:
I think it’s the opposite, actually. I think Jeff Hardy needs a good, hard slap in the face and to be looked down on by society.  The court can provide the good, hard slap in the face.  We need to do our part and look down on him for the sorry excuse that he is.  As harsh as that sounds, it’s true.  You say that we don’t need to enable him, yet you contradict yourself by saying that we should support him.  If we continue to support him, he’ll continue to do things like this, because he figures that the world will continue to support him.  That’s how it has been so far.  Jeff has screwed up, we supported him.  He came back and did it again, we supported him.  He got his 2nd Wellness Policy violation and, knowing the next screw-up would bring his WWE career to an end, we supported him.  Guess what just happened again?  He’s screwed up worse than he ever has before.  And right now, some people are supporting him.  He hasn’t changed the formula.  We haven’t either.  Just as our beloved superstar, we continue to relapse into giving him another chance.  And, like it or not, unless someone steps into Jeff’s life (obviously, it won’t be one of us) and forces him to turn his life around, he WILL end up dead at a young age for the wrong reasons.  It’s harsh, but it’s a guarantee.  Jeff needs our lack of support.  Jeff needs our lack of fandom.  Jeff needs to feel that what he has done is truly wrong.  He won’t feel that with all the support around him.  Each bit of support is another enabler.  Once his support is gone, he won’t be enabled anymore.  Once he’s not enabled anymore, he’ll have to turn somewhere else.  That somewhere will be up to him.  Whether he turns his life around or brings his life to a tragic end, that will be his responsibility.  
The thoughts and prayers, I agree.  The support, I can’t allow myself to.
I actually agree with parts of what you said. Sometimes “tough love” is the way to go. But I don’t think that we, as people, can look down on Jeff Hardy. What he did (or did not do- we still don’t know) doesn’t make him worse of a person than us. We all do things we regret. We all make mistakes. While I don’t think we should support what Jeff did, I do think we should support Jeff has a person. He doesn’t need us to condemn him. He doesn’t even need us to hold him accountable- we don’t even really know Jeff Hardy the person. He has family and friends to hold him accountable, and hopefully they do. What he needs from us is for us to let him figure things out, without us begging for him to come back to WWE.

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