The Biz: Why So Serious?…and Jeff Hardy Feedback

Carl S. writes:
I have to say I was thinking the exact same thing before I even saw

your editorial existed. I only just found out about this story tonight

because my internet has been out all week. I’ve ben reading all the

news on Wrestlezone about it and was just picturing in the back of my

mind a headline that may not be too far away. Jeff Hardy found dead at



This reminds me of Benoit. He was my favourite. He put me in a

headlock when I was 10 years old. I love that picture. It makes me

smile. But now, he is forgotten. Wiped from the face of the WWE

Universe for a mistake he made, and I will always call it a mistake,

outside of the wrestling ring. Now his title runs, his feuds, his

stables… all unmentioned. Young kids, the same ones who cheer for

Hardy are deprived of seeing one of the best.


Ok, what Benoit did was infinitely worse than popping pain pills or

even selling drugs if that is true. Unlikely. But do we really want

this to happen again. To Jeff? In the ring, Jeff is a great role model

for kids. He’s not the strongest in a fight but he never backs down.

He is never afraid to be himself. He is a born risk taker and has

proved that the greatest prizes are achievable if you try hard enough.

Do not taint that image. Let these kids love him like they have done

for the past 10 years. Jeff Hardy doesn’t need to stop breathing to

die. We can kill him simply by condemning him for this mistake.


It was said in your editorial. We have to seperate fact from fiction.
You’re exactly right. I don’t want Jeff Hardy to be just another tragedy, like Chris Benoit. Here’s hoping that Jeff can turn this situation around, whatever the situation exactly is, before it’s too late.