Hell In A Basement

From: Mike

*Punk didn’t job because of dress code. He jobbed because he disrespected several wrestlers.

Again, Mike…not really a question. But I’ll revise something I said in my column on the matter and maybe, through some miracle, you’ll understand this time. If Ben Roethlisberger of the Steelers "disrespected" a veteran like James Farrior, he might get lectured by the coach. He might get punched by Farrior. BUT HE WOULDN’T GET BENCHED. This isn’t like voting for prom king. It’s a business decision. If Punk was WWE’s choice to be champ before he told Undertaker to mind his own business, he should have remained champ despite his act of "disrespect." And Undertaker SHOULD mind his own business.

From: Dale

*Do you hate Vince Russo because he fired you as a WCW color commentator? You SUCKED as a WCW color commentator. Bobby Heenan was a thousand times better than you.

Yeah, but at least I showed up for work sober. And I don’t hate Vince. I actually like the guy. Great sports fan. Giants, baby! Anyway, Vince didn’t fire me. DDMe did, by proxy. And even if I did SUCK as a WCW color commentator, at least I was considered talented enough to get an opportunity you never will. Paid for my house, too.

From: Steve

*I was wondering why WWE doesn’t do big promos for new wrestlers anymore, like the Y2J countdown?