Monster’s Ball: Mick Foley vs. Abyss: This is another match I have mixed feelings about. I admire the fact that both of these guys worked hard, but the whole thing felt like Foley was just trying too hard to make this the most "hardcore" match he’s ever wrestled. It was overbooked, there were too many interferences, and I’m sorry, but the taser spot was absurd. First of all, tasers don’t explode, so what the hell was that all about? Secondly, who gets up from a taser shot 3 seconds after it has been administered? The whole spot made no sense and was an attempt to grab an "OMG" moment when it just got an eye roll out of me. That said, these guys did work hard and for the most part the match was a really fun hardcore contest. It’s good to see Abyss back to his old "monster" self, and I hope TNA continues in this direction with and ditches the goofy, lovable bear character. 6 Stars.