Submissions Match: Samoa Joe vs. Bobby Lashley: I have a lot of mixed feelings about this match. Number one, it was too short. Number two, it was very well wrestled. Number three, the fans need to get over the stigma of Lashley being a no-talent ex-WWE star as he worked one hell of a realistic bout last night. And finally, number four, the finish was terrible. We reported last night that Samoa Joe went into last night’s bout with a terrible case of the flu, so I can forgive TNA for booking a 7 minute match if Joe couldn’t handle working anything longer. But it’s a shame because these two were really wrestling a fast-paced, well-balanced match that had a good mix of mat wrestling and suplex based wrestling. The match finish was brutal, however, as it came out of nowhere, you never even saw Samoa Joe tap out, and if he passed out then it was done way too quickly as no one would conceivably pass out that quickly, and it made Lashley look like a guy that can just waltz into TNA and quickly defeat one of the company’s top guys. This was not the way to finish the first encounter between Lashley and Joe, and it left little to no room for the feud to continue. 6.5 Stars.