TNA Knockouts Title Match: ODB (c) vs. Awesome Kong vs. Tara: While all three girls worked hard here, the problem I had with this match was that the Kim Couture thing should not have happened last night. It was too distracting, you never even saw the situation between Couture and Tara, which may have been done on purpose to make it feel more like a shoot, but if it’s going to be revealed as a "story line" in the coming weeks anyway then what’s the point? Last night’s match should have been about the three ladies working a great match for the title and it disappointed on that level. It was good to see Tara return to the match as I hate when wrestlers walk out of title matches because it makes the title appear meaningless, but in the end the Couture thing was not done very well and it took away from what could have been an amazing three-way match between three talented wrestlers. 5 Stars.