TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match: AJ Styles (c) vs Sting: What can I say? Stinger’s still got it. When he wants to, he can turn the volume all the way up and deliver a great match, and he did just that last night. Unfortunately, I agree that it might be time to hang up the boots, because if you can only turn the volume up on a match once in awhile, then you don’t belong out there on the top of the wrestling food chain. That said, this was a really well wrestled match, but the finish was terrible! That was the most banal finish to what should have been an edge-of-your seat contest to the very end. Maybe TNA is going in the direction of "Sting is no match for Styles," which would then usher in Sting’s retirement, but come on, AJ beat him out of nowhere and seemingly with ease. As I said in my Bound For Glory preview, I was not a fan of how this feud was put together, as I think Styles should have suffered numerous losses to Sting, (much like Morgan vs Angle) before finally defeating him in dramatic fashion and taking the torch. 7 Stars.