Nash Was Right; Seriously, These Emails…

NOTE: Look out for Mark Madden’s column regarding the Hogan/TNA situation tomorrow, exclusively here on WZ!


There’s nothing wrong with talent blowing up if a wrong gets committed and management is cavalier or cowardly in addressing the situation.

Case in point: Kevin Nash berating TNA executive Terry Taylor, then cutting an angry, unusable shoot promo because the Dudleyz knocked out Chris Sabin through clumsy, unnecessarily stiff work, then didn’t protect Sabin by going home immediately when it was obvious Sabin was injured.

Sabin got Bubba-bombed by one useless fat bastard, didn’t respond to a pin count, then got press-slammed by the other useless fat bastard. A witness said Sabin was out for seven minutes. He could have died or been paralyzed.

But that’s a small price to pay so the Dudleyz can get their spots in. The Dudleyz are bloated pieces of excrement who went to the DDMe school of selfishness. Bubba Ray, who hasn’t been interesting since he stopped stuttering, always plays that “paying your dues/locker-room etiquette” card because it’s the only way for him to invent respect. The Dudleyz think they’re one of the best tag teams ever, but they’re a lot closer to being the worst. They couldn’t draw money if you dipped them in superglue and dragged them through a bank. But if you dipped one in bread crumbs and deep-fried him, the other would probably eat him.

Not to be critical.


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