Nick’s Picks: The 2009 WWE Slammy Awards

Best Tag Team:

I’m sure WWE will give this one to JeriShow, as they are both top guys, and it can give Jericho something else to gloat about. However, I don’t think they represented the best tag team of the entire year. My pick in this category is Priceless. These guys really stepped up this year, and while some will argue that WWE is dropping the ball with them somewhat, I think Ted DiBiase has shown that he has main event potential. Furthermore, they appear to be a genuinely accomplished tag team, which is something that can’t be said about a number of other teams in WWE. In the honorable mentions section, I’d say The Hart Dynasty deserves at least a nomination, as they have made an impressive debut, however they seem to be stalling out at the moment, and therefore don’t deserve the actual award in my opinion.


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