WWE Unified Tag Team Titles TLC Match: JeriShow (c) vs DX: This was the match of the night for me. It was well wrestled, had a solid amount of "OMG" action in it, but was contained enough that no one killed himself. It feels like the right time for JeriShow to have lost the titles, as I think they’re time together should come to an end. I fully expect either them or DX to win the Slammy tonight, and I think it will be more interesting to see JeriShow win as it can give them a reason to breakdown internally. Jericho can claim he won the award for the team on his own, and Big Show can finally say he’s had enough of Jericho running his mouth and beat him down. No, I don’t want their break-up to become a feud that leads to a PPV bout, but maybe a couple weeks that leads to a TV match between the two of them that finally blows off the tag team. As for DX, it will be interesting to see who their next opponents are. This would be an ideal time for Legacy to step up and make the claim that since they’ve beaten DX in the past, they should get the next shot at the titles. This could eventually lead to Legacy winning the titles, and give them the push that they seem to need right now. There’s no denying Legacy’s momentum has stalled a bit, so a short program with DX could give them the freshening up they sorely need. But as for the match last night, it was the obvious choice to end the PPV as WWE knew Shawn Michaels, being the hometown hero, would get the event’s biggest pop. He did, and that added to the excitement of the match. 8.5 Stars.