World Heavyweight Championship Chairs Match: The Undertaker (c) vs Batista: This was another fun match. I thought The Undertaker and Batista worked a lot faster than I thought they would, which was nice, and the use of chairs was good, albeit limited. I noted in my picks column that it would be interesting to see if WWE allowed many chair shots to the head in this match, and with the exception of 1 or 2, they were virtually non-existent. Did that make the match suffer? A little, and not because I wanted "violence," but because it just didn’t seem to make sense logically. If you have a steel chair, wouldn’t you whack your opponent’s head with it more than anything else on his/her body? It just felt like the two were avoiding the head area and that seemed odd. I would recommend in the future that WWE not run this type of match if they’re not going to allow head shots, because it doesn’t seem very realistic otherwise. That said thought, Batista and Taker added a bit more wrestling to the mix than I had expected which was a nice counter balance to the chairs gimmick. It seems as if Batista is headed in the direction of blaming people every time he loses a match, so I wouldn’t expect him to win the title from The Dead Man until The Rumble, but I think The Animal will eventually win it. 6 Stars.