Nick’s 12/14 Raw Review: The Good, The Bad & The Wrestling

The Good

I thought Dennis Miller did a good job of hosting the show. I’ve seen some complaints of his performance coming from different areas of the internet wrestling community and I ask, "what did you expect?" Dennis Miller is an intelligent comedian hosting a show that usually offers up a leprechaun doing crotch chops as comedy. Intelligent humor is entirely wasted on a wrestling audience. The problem here is that while Dennis Miller did a good job, he was not a good fit as host of a wrestling show.

It’s obvious that his career as an actor/comedian is struggling, and it seemed even more obvious last night that he didn’t follow the WWE wrestling product at all. So he agreed to do the gig as I’m sure it was semi-decent pay, and the result was that he came off out of place and in an environment that he clearly wasn’t comfortable in. When that happens, a comedian will usually default to sarcasm and condescension, as Miller seemed to do quite a bit with his quasi-tongue-in-cheek jabs at certain wrestlers and segments.

But for the most part his material was good, it simply wasn’t going over with the crowd because many adults have forgotten who he is, and children never knew who he is, so there was nothing really for them to latch onto, especially when the humor Miller was schilling flew right over their heads. Couple that with the fact that the crowd seemed to be more lifeless than ZZ Top hosting Raw, and it made for an odd combination. Still, however, I file Miller’s performance under the Good column because I thought his material was solid and he did weather the storm quite well.


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