Is That All There Is?; Y’Know, Maybe I Did Suck


In the wake of the fictional move by Kevin Nash to get me hired by TNA, another website offered this “analysis” of my wrestling "career":

“As a commentator, I think that he was really good when he first started with WCW. Then, he started to believe his hype and his work slid. I think that is a function of his personality, as he is loud and braggadocios. I have talked with Madden on many occasions and I think that when he is in "normal" mode, he’s a good guy and entertaining. When he is in "bluster" mode, well let’s just say that I don’t find him to be good or entertaining. But, he has found a way to make his schtick work in radio as he has made a lot of money as a drive-time guy. Of course, he has also hurt his cause at times making statements that got him heat from his bosses. I just think that overall, where wrestling is concerned he is not worth the baggage that he brings with him.”

Baggage? What baggage?

During my time in wrestling, I encountered:

*A man who embezzled thousands to finance sex with male prostitutes.

*A man who used his power within his company to coerce sex from female performers, including participation in violent rape fantasies.

*Wife-swapping to get ahead.

*A man who made extra cash by using Mexicans as mules to bring illegal drugs across the border.

*A man who had a banana shoved up his ass.

This is just scratching the surface. Drug abuse, adultery, sexual harassment, fraud, assault…it’s all routine, part and parcel of wrestling. I saw it. So don’t tell me about my “baggage.” Here’s my baggage: I called DDMe “leatherface” on the air and wouldn’t shake his hand when he offered to make amends in a fashion I considered insincere and too public. So DDMe used his stroke to get me fired.

That’s why I got terminated. No other reason.

If that’s my “baggage,” I carry it proudly, like top-of-the-line Louis Vuitton.

As for my performance level, opinions vary.

Here’s the punch line: Of the five specific incidents described, all the participants but one are still actively involved in wrestling. JACKPOT!

Mark Madden can be reached at


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