Nick’s 12/28 Raw Review: The Good, The Bad & The Wrestling

 The Wrestling

Ted DiBiase vs Evan Bourne: This match needed to be at least 5 minutes longer. Raw was already 22 minutes old when the opening match kicked off, and it did tell the story these two young guys are capable of. Furthermore, Evan Bourne should not be losing so many matches so frequently and in such little time. WWE can still get DiBiase over with the win while at the same time allowing Bourne to hang onto some momentum by having him look good in the ring. The last time Jack Swagger wrestled John Cena, the two had a great TV match, and a good enough amount of time was given to Swagger so that he looked strong in defeat.

Cody Rhodes vs Mark Henry: This was an odd match. I suppose that Rhodes getting the win made sense because Henry was apparently "injured," but again, I just don’t buy a guy like Rhodes beating The World’s Strongest Man so quickly. Again, it would have served both guys better had the match been longer. Henry could have worked on Rhodes more, and then Rhodes could have hung in their to eventually exploit the injury. All that said, however, Rhodes did display some good agility in this match, and I am consistently impressed by his speed.

Kelly Kelly vs Maryse: This was an OK match, but what I don’t get is why creative trying to build some type of feud between Melina and Maryse yet you never hear from or see Melina. Judging by the TV time, you would think, much like the case is with Cena and Sheamus, that Maryse is the champion and Melina is the challenger. They need to incorporate the Diva’s Champion into the broadcasts more if anyone is to take her or the division seriously. As for the match last night, it was decent, but WWE is doing the women’s division on Raw NO favors by having everyone but Melina and Maryse operate as glorified jobbers.


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