Nick’s 12/28 Raw Review: The Good, The Bad & The Wrestling

 The Bad

The addition of Hornswoggle to DX is atrocious. I absolutely hate the humor that he tries to infuse, and that’s on top of the already lame humor that DX dishes out most of the time.

I understand he’s not "part" of DX, but who cares? He’s with them all the time now, and worst of all he’s interfering in their matches. The Hornswoggle gimmick with Finlay got old real fast,  and throwing it into the mix with DX, who are the tag team champions mind you, does not freshen things up.

I also hate that creative treats Hornswoggle like he’s some kind of mutant animal. I’m not going to jump up on my high horse and say I’m "vehemently offended" like some might, because in the end if Horny is OK with it then who am I to criticize what they do, but I will say I don’t find it funny and it’s certainly not entertaining.


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