Nick’s Picks: WrestleZone’s Annual Awards Of 2009


Most Likely To Succeed in 2010: Kofi Kingston

This was a difficult category to vote in, as there were a number of wrestlers from both TNA and WWE that have shown a tremendous amount of promise this year. But in the end, I think I have to agree with the readers here and go with Kofi Kingston. He seems like the only breakout star of 2009 that seems to have a long future with WWE and has a real shot at main eventing in 2010. Initially, I considered talent like Sheamus, John Morrison and Daniels, but here’s why they didn’t get my vote. Sheamus was pushed to the top way too soon. So far, WWE has done a lackluster job of pushing him as WWE Champion, and I have a feeling that they’ll sour on him like they’ve done with big men like Mike Knox. With John Morrison, I feel like WWE has a lot of work to do with him on the mic and as a character before he can take the next step up. Finally, I feel like Daniels, although a great talent, just doesn’t have the star quality to have a long run on the top of TNA’s card.


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