1.4.10 — A Day That Will Live In Infamy

From: Mark, Pittsburgh

*What will be the most immediate thing fans notice when they switch back and forth between shows Monday night?

That Raw looks like a big-league show, and TNA doesn’t. When Nitro took on Raw, Nitro’s biggest weapon was its comparable production values. TNA doesn’t have that. Fans will also immediately notice the difference between the divas/knockouts. WWE’s girls are way hotter and presented better. Finally, they’re good for something besides screwing.

From: Mark, Pittsburgh

*How will Melina’s torn ACL affect 1.4.10?

It means that only Bret Hart will get to see Melina do her split.

From: Mark, Pittsburgh

*Is there anyone TNA can sign to help them win the new Monday Night Wars?

Well, Sonja Henie’s out. Even Walter Cronkite will soon be saying that the war is not winnable – if he wasn’t dead, that is. But the one person TNA could hire that would give it a fighting chance is Paul Heyman, and it’s rumored that he may be brought in to do what Vince Russo currently does, namely bring life and format to Hogan’s stupid ideas, have creative control over the guys Hogan doesn’t care about/isn’t involved with, then rewrite the show while it’s in progress as Hogan’s whims/pharmacist dictate. But if I’m Heyman, the only way I take that job is if I need the money or get creative control, at least for non-Hogan storylines. Heyman knows how to run the underdog/guerilla promotion. Then again, he also knows that TNA’s personnel and outlook aren’t necessarily the ingredients for a new ECW, and he’s probably smart enough to understand you can only do that once, anyway. So if I’m Heyman and TNA calls, I run for my life.

From: Mark, Pittsburgh

*With his next-door neighbor in a position to hire/fire at TNA, isn’t it odd that DDMe hasn’t been mentioned?

Odd, yes. Terrifying, even more so. And that’s not a good thing…that’s a bad thing.

Mark Madden can be reached at wzmarkmadden@hotmail.com.


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