Nick’s 1/4 Raw Review: The Good, The Bad & The Wrestling

The Good

Bret Hart. I could simply end it there, but of course I will elaborate. I thought Bret’s return to WWE TV was handled very well. The most important thing that we as an audience have to remember is that Bret is very limited in terms of what he can do in the ring. So although we would all love to see Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart in a rematch from Montreal, that simply cannot happen. Hart cannot compete the level he used to and therefore WWE was smart to simply have the two stars bury the hatchet live on TV.

In the story line world we all want to see everyone fight. But in reality, I think everyone wanted to see Hart and HBK finally make amends and tonight was the perfect opportunity for them to accomplish that. I’m sure both guys had that heart-to-heart off camera before the show or sometime in the recent past, but it was important for the audience to see it live, as many of us have been living with the effects of The Montreal Screwjob for 12 years as well.

Bret Hart legitimately looked like he both wanted and needed to hit that ring and speak to the audience and Shawn Michaels, and that genuine emotion struck an amazing chord with both the live crowd and myself watching at home.


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