This Is Bull****!

After just 14 minutes, fans at TNA’s Impact Zone chanted, “THIS IS BULL****!” Later, they lapped up the nonsense they were spoon-fed like the obsequious stooges they are.

But for one brief, shining moment, the maniacs were right.

TNA’s Monday night Impact was, indeed, bull****.

It was a bunch of old guys who shouldn’t be on TV anymore embroiled in ancient insider storylines no one should want to understand. When the nWo regrouped in mid-ring, the only one who still looked like a star was Kevin Nash. When I saw Scott Hall in that leather jacket, I thought, “Gee, Fonzie’s gained some weight. And why’s he slurring his words?” Old. older. oldest.

It was the same old WCW-style production. Low-rent to a fault, with crucial mistakes. How could they possibly miss Ric Flair going into AJ Styles’ dressing room? But they did. So did the announcers. The shot missed the sign on the door. For all we knew, Flair could have been going into a public men’s room. It’s a shame for him it wasn’t an exit.

How long is that limo ride anyway? Wait, Hulk was backstage all day? Then who was in the limo?

The crony count was high. Bubba the Love Stooge complained about work his first day in. Nasty Boys vs. Dudleyz? When that comes on TV, never mind switching stations – I’ll be running for my life. There was even a Russo crony – but it’s been a long time since Val Venis was coming.

I’m curious to see what happens to Jeff Jarrett. He softened his promo, made Hogan’s retaliatory promo come off heelish, and made what appears to be the “new” TNA’s primary storyline kick off in confusing fashion. If Jarrett gets off scot-free, it can be assumed the new regime tolerates going into business for yourself. As boss, one of the toughest things for Hogan to do will be disciplining acts like that with any credibility after all the selfish shenanigans he’s pulled.

But the money mark got on TV a lot, YAY!


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