This Is Bull****!

I think I’ve identified Hogan’s booking style: Dusty Rhodes in Jim Crockett Promotions. Most angles involved him, all the wrestlers talked about him, and the announcers referenced him CONSTANTLY.

TNA should be horrified by its 1.5 rating. Too many people watched. TNA ought to put that show in witness protection.

WWE presents Jeff Hardy as a star. TNA makes him climb monkey bars in clumsy fashion. To be fair, they were difficult monkey bars. NO ONE could climb them. But what fine athletes the X Division has.

Fear not, TNA maniacs. I can fix it.

Turn Hulk Hogan gay.

We’ve seen him good, we’ve seen him bad. We saw him young, now he’s old. We’ve seen Hulk Hogan for over 30 years – far too long, many say. Brother, dude, do-rag, Fu Manchu, all the maniacs, we’ve seen and heard all that. But we’ve never seen Hogan gay.

Forget the leg drop. Hogan’s new finish is the power bottom. His new entrance music is Queen’s “I Want to Break Free.” Don’t change his character or manner of speaking. Same guy, just gay. He gets embroiled in all kinds of crazy gay hijinks. Whatcha gonna do when hardcore twink porn runs wild on you, brother?

Sounds stupid, right? Well, no stupider than the dreck TNA churned out Monday in a do-or-die attempt to hook you into watching. It was like TNA tried to do the worst show possible.

If that was the intent, mission accomplished. The only bona fide reason to watch TNA is to see reputations wither and die.

And to see Lacey Von Erich. HOT!


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