Nick’s 1/11 Raw Review: The Good, The Bad, & The Wrestling

Santino Marella vs Jack Swagger: Again, if WWE is not going to do anything meaningful with Santino and Swagger, then there’s no reason to have them on the show. This match should have been scrapped, and the extra time could have then been given to the previous tag match. If nothing else, this time could have been used to allow Swagger to cut a promo, and experiment more with getting himself over as an entertainer as opposed to a one dimensional character.

John Cena vs Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston in a Triple Threat Match: This was a very fun bout, and it was great to see Kingston mix it up with both Cena and Orton at the same time. There seemed to be something wrong with the finish however, as Orton seemed to stagger a bit before he hit the RKO on Kingston, and then after hitting the move you could hear him yell out "stupid" a few times. I’m not sure if that was in character, but it seemed like he was legitimately irritated with something that may have gone wrong at the end of the match, and as history has shown, Orton will get verbal on TV if he’s not happy with something. Despite this, though, this match was solid and the ending I think came a pleasant surprise to everyone.