Nick’s 1/11 Raw Review: The Good, The Bad, & The Wrestling

Knowing that Bret Hart will be back on Raw next week, I was surprised that last night’s show didn’t make more of a big deal out of the end of last week’s show. It was a bit anti-climactic to have McMahon come out and rather blandly announce that Hart would never be on Raw again. I get that creative is trying to swerve the fans, but if WWE and Vince had made a bigger deal out of last week’s incident between McMahon and Hart, then I think fans would be even more enticed to watch next week’s show to see if Hart shows up.

That leads me into the complaint that WWE still isn’t doing enough, on a weekly basis, to hype the following week’s show. 2 weeks ago, WWE did an excellent job of hyping last week’s show by announcing that Hart would be returning as the show’s guest host, a match between Orton and Kingston was promoted, and a tag team titles match promoted featuring DX and JeriShow. WWE needs to get in the habit of putting this kind of hype into all of their shows. All we know about next week, assuming you’re not an internet reader, is that Don Johnson and Jon Heder are hosting the show. Most young fans have no idea who Johnson is, and Jon Heder’s star is slowly fading. So what’s the upside to watching the show next week? WWE really needs to be enticing its audience with both guest host announcements and high profile wrestling matches. But eh, I guess since Raw’s not going up against TNA WWE feels like it doesn’t have to work that hard.


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