Get Goldberg; Oh, What A Rush!

Imagine this scenario: Goldberg debuts on Impact, squashing Samoa Joe the first night. Jackhammers that fatass right through the pavement. At this point, that would be the best use for Joe, anyway.

The second night, he jackhammers Hernandez. The third night, he jackhammers Matt Morgan. If those two were going to make it, they already would have.

Goldberg just keeps on winning. He beats A.J. Styles for the title. TNA builds toward a program with Angle, the other “real” guy. Then he jackhammers Angle. Do it until it doesn’t work.

Would it work? I don’t know. It would be light years better than what we saw on 1.4.10. It would be better than Scott Hall yelling, “Say hello to the bad guy.” Scarface premiered in 1983, for God’s sake.

I’ve never seen a top performer’s momentum broken as decisively and stupidly as Goldberg’s in WCW. I don’t know if he could recapture that.

But, c’mon, Mr. “Anderson”? TNA would be better off building talent already employed than bringing in mid-card talent cast off by WWE. All Mr. “Anderson” does is remind fans that TNA is second-string to WWE.

With Goldberg, there’s a chance.

You want to repeat history? A winning streak is still a winning streak. Tony Montana’s catchphrases just get moldier. But everything Goldberg did then translates to now. Hogan can’t do now what he did then. Goldberg can.

One problem: Goldberg overshadowed Hogan then.

Think Hogan would allow that now?


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