EXCLUSIVE: Wrestling With Meatloaf

Wrestling fans are loyal. Like racing fans, wrestling fans stick with what they enjoy, what they know and love from generation to generation. They may wane in enthusiasm, both in the arena’s and at the track but fans of wrestling and racing love what they love. Wresting is about good vs. evil. Racing is about man vs. machine. That’s as simple as it gets.

Same with diners. You know, padded-seat booths, meatloaf, and waitresses named "Connie" who sport prison tats on their wrist. Generation after generation, foodies (like me) flock to diners no matter where they are. A diner is a diner is a diner. It’s about location and consistency. It’s about comfort food.

Come to think of it… wrestling is "comfort food" for its followers as well. When I see wrestling on TV, I’ll stop and watch because I know what it is. But if much of today’s wrestling was a meal, it would either be bland or over seasoned. Rarely consistent… I would never know what "Connie" with the prison tats is going to take off the tray if she was serving today’s wrestling.

But what of this comparison between wrestling and diners?

Every wrestling show or “menu” should offer the following…

  • Young, athletic wrestlers who look like they could win every real fight they would be in.
    • Would you pay money for a crummy looking meal? Presentation means something.
  • Issues between those wrestlers that are easy for the fans to understand.
    • The menu has to be easy to read for diners to order and want to come back.

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