Does TNA Need Paul Heyman?

Let’s say – hypothetically speaking, of course – that the Hogan/Bischoff experiment turns out to be a failure after their contract runs dry.  As a result, Dixie Carter grasps for that last-ditch effort to redeem herself in daddy’s eyes and save the company from the plug being pulled.  What does she have to lose, right?

The call is made (again, I’m sure).

"What will it take, Paul?"

"Honestly Dixie?  Let’s see.  Seven figures.  Complete creative control.  The ability to shed as much or as little of the roster as I want.  A guarantee from Spike to work with me on some of my other projects.  An iBook for my kids.  An apple a day…to keep the doctors away, of course.  And a three year agreement guaranteed."

"Okay.  Done. Done. Done and done.  Done. I can only give you two years guaranteed…"

"Let me sleep on it for a few days".

It’s that simple folks.  Paul just hit the jackpot.  Sure, he’s going to try his best to save TNA so his ingenious status stays in tact, but what’s the worst thing that can happen if he doesn’t?  Everyone will assume the company was a lost cause because hell, no one else could do it.  He gets the best opportunity for his other projects to succeed and he makes a lot of money in the process.

Don’t forget the value of an apple a day either!

Does TNA need Paul Heyman?  No, but Paul knows that.  He also knows that if he waits long enough, they may never ask him.  So what?  If and when they go under and someone else starts the next big thing in the wrestling world, he’ll be the first they call and he’ll get what he wants then.  However, if he waits long enough, they just might come to him with an offer simply too irresistable to refuse. Win-win for Paul.

Perception is reality and right now, Paul Heyman is as real as it gets.

You can email comments and feedback to Chris Cash at [email protected].