No One > Coach John Wooden

” There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile things come from hard work and careful planning.” 

Young wrestlers should absorb that Wooden quote into their cells. Weave it into their DNA. “Hard work AND (!) careful planning”. Plan carefully because nothing is guaranteed and so many are left with nothing for their toil. Is a long wrestling career “worthwhile” without careful planning? Was this the point of the movie “The Wrestler”? 

“Resist temptation and stay with your course. Concentrate on your objective and be determined to reach your goal.” 

Seems simple enough but how many wrestlers get sidetracked with nonsense? Are you a Professional Wrestler or are you just playing “wrestling”?  

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Be at your best when your best is needed.” 

That doesn’t necessarily mean only when the bell rings! Maybe your best is needed to tear down the ring at midnight after you worked 10 hours, drove three hours to get to the show and you’ve got to be to work again in a few hours. The ring has to be torn down and you have to suck it up. 

That means during key portions of your match, when you have to be physically fit to carry the match through its crucial ending. You owe it to everyone to be ready for this critical juncture of the professional wrestling contest. 

That means when you are making hard decisions about what to do next in your career. Should I fold the tent and let it go or press on? Leaders make hard decisions and don’t look back.  

 “Your heart must be in your work. Stimulate others.” 

Leadership by example… How do you, Professional Wrestler, stimulate others? Pro wrestling isn’t a coat you wear when it’s cold and take off when it’s warm. It is something you either are or are not. John Wooden wasn’t always a “basketball coach” but he was always a leader, a teacher and a mentor.  

Thank you, Coach Wooden, for being there for me. I will continue to work in the methods you prescribed. He will always be there for you too, if you are interested. 

I want to thank you all for reading this and I hope that you can take something from this article and use it for positive benefit. I’d love to hear from you as always. 

[email protected] 

On Twitter @ROHKKelly