I wish for once that everyone else would stop wearing their masks and reveal themselves for the world to see. Stop blowing sunshine up everyone’s behind and tell them straight to their face what you think of them.
Now, even in harsh reality, you can still be diplomatic, gracious and respectful. But if someone does something wrong or goes against the game plan, they have be told in order to correct mistakes. As I wrote about Coach John Wooden last week, the first thing Wooden was known for was teaching. You knew where you stood with Wooden, so many of his former players have said. Why can’t wrestling be the same way?
Also stupid this week, Roxxi gets fired (again) by TNA. Listen, if you want to let good talent go, that’s fine… If you want them to lose a “loser leave” match, fine but build it up first. The only mistake Roxxi made was by taking one bump. But she’s too much of a professional to sandbag even the worst of scenarios. Whoever proposed this idea within TNA thought of Roxxi as a mark and got what they wanted… a great match and Roxxi fired.
Now, in a perfect world, Roxxi would get hired by the WWE. Talented wrestler, great in the locker room, safe, professional. But…
Like Ron White said and JR quoted, you can’t fix “stupid”.
Email me if you find yourself pondering these thoughts… [email protected]