The RAW Ladder – New Champs, Cyber Chumps


Moving Up – Chris Jericho


Jericho was on a little losing streak before Monday, but he got a hard fought and deserved win against Evan Bourne. He threatened to quit if he lost and came through when he caught Bourne with the Codebreaker. These two look to have a little bit of a rivalry going on and it has been entertaining to say the least. After the match, Jericho picked up Bourne at looked to offer him words of wisdom, ala HBK/Jericho at WM 19. But Jericho, being the professional that he is, stayed in character and shoved Bourne back down to the mat to get more heat from the fans. One win won’t completely right the ship, but it’s a win and Jericho has been making Bourne look very good in the process.


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