The RAW Ladder – New Champs, Cyber Chumps


Moving Down – Whoever thought it was a good idea to make a mystery GM


This is so dumb it doesn’t even deserve a picture, but it got one anyway. If you didn’t already know, Bret Hart was fired (on camera) as GM of RAW. In real life there is something going on with his Insurance Policy preventing him to continue, so they had to write him off television. And this is how they did it. A mystery GM, and they make decisions by email. Seriously the only way I can make sense out of this, is that they made Michael Cole’s laptop in charge of RAW. This better be short lived or have a payoff, but I am doubting it. Vince said the “GM” has something in store for this week’s RAW… I guess it’s better than Hornswoggle painting the hole in the wall and getting Carlito to run into it… who am I kidding, a laptop running a TV show, this is kind of like Skynet becoming self aware, but stupid.



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