Welcome To The Wrestling All-Star Game

The parallels between baseball and wrestling this year are easy to see so that’s why I want to create my own wrestling All-Star Game. In baseball, fans pick the starters so let’s do it for wrestling… Have fun! One night, one card. Here are my choices… (and no bearing on the World Series).

Main Event
Chris Jericho vs. Brian Danielson
The best wrestler in the world in 2010 against the most newsworthy wrestler in 2010. A rematch from their match on the debut of NXT and my main event match from my wrestling All-Star Game would be “box office” as well.

Semi-Main Event
The Briscoe Brothers vs. the Kings of Wrestling
Yes, this is from ROH and I’m a little biased but these four have torn the house down in both Charlotte and Toronto. The conclusion of their first match in Charlotte at the Big Bang was so grueling that Jay Briscoe threw up in the ring. A bloody war punctuated their second battle in Toronto and Death By Dishonor VIII. Best tag matches of 2010.

Nothing on a Pole
Desmond Wolfe vs. D’Angelo Dinero
If TNA could get out of their own way, the best matchup they’ve put forth this year (not involving Kurt Angle or AJ Styles) has been these two. Great promo skills and I personally enjoy watching both men compete. No stupid gimmicks needed for this one.

Since this is an All-Star Game, you have to have the biggest stars.
30 Minute Iron Man Match
AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle with Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and Sting as judges in case of a tie. Take that, Bud Selig! No ties in this All-Star Game, beeatch!!!

I’d also like to have RVD and Jeff Hardy remake “Half Baked” but you can’t have everything. Sure this is pretend but let’s save that gem for our Fictional WrestleMania, ok?


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