EXCLUSIVE: Still The Man; Booking Advice; Thanks J.R.

Getting back to J.R.’s comments, I reiterate that I am EXTREMELY happy in radio, and damn successful. But if I ever did resume my wrestling career and somebody like J.R. worked with me on my shortcomings, I’d be the best color man in wrestling within six months. I wouldn’t be trite or clichéd, that’s for sure. Everyone doing that job now is stale.

I was far from perfect on Nitro. I too often went for laughs at the expense of the product. But let’s be honest, it was a crap product. Anyway, no one ever coached me or told me otherwise. If I can capture massive ratings and entertain tens of thousands every day doing drive-time radio, it’s safe to say I could return to wrestling, adapt, and excel. I won’t. But I could.

I don’t think Dixie Carter would hire me, though.

Dixie considering TNA employees “family” is laughable, by the way. These are wrestlers, con men, misfit toys, for themselves first, second and third. She’s “family” as long as she signs the checks.

Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan have severely diminished power at TNA. That didn’t take long. I feel bad for Eric. He knows what he’s doing. He just hitched his wagon to Hogan a bit too long.

Velvet Sky is getting $600 a shot now. I’d pay more than that.

Mark Madden hosts a radio show 3-6 p.m. weekdays on WXDX-FM, Pittsburgh. Check out the Mark Madden page at WXDX.com. Contact Mark via wzmarkmadden@hotmail.com.


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