EXCLUSIVE: What’s Next For Nexus; To The Extreme…


…extremely stupid, that is.

It might be a decent piece of business by TNA to reimagine WWE/ECW’s “One Night Stand” PPV. If ECW fans desperate to revisit the “good old days” buy “One Last Stand” or whatever it’s going to be called, it will mean increased revenue over TNA’s usual PPVs, which barely sell at all.

But my God, Jerry Lynn vs. RVD as the main event? That should be the main event at a county fair somewhere, or in the parking lot of a car dealership in Greensboro, not on PPV in 2010.

The "One Night Stand" concept worked, kind of, in 2005 when it had the backing of wrestling’s top brand name. But 2005 is going to seem like it was a long, long time ago. Some of the guys WWE recycled then can’t be recycled now. It’s been too long, and they’re too bad.

Here’s all you need to know about the concept: The man who invented extreme will have nothing to do with it. If Paul Heyman matriculates to TNA, he’ll do so after, if he ever does.

Tommy Dreamer? Over? Now? Jesus Christ…

Mark Madden hosts a radio show 3-6 p.m. weekdays on WXDX-FM, Pittsburgh. Check out the Mark Madden page at WXDX.com. Contact Mark via wzmarkmadden@hotmail.com.


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