EXCLUSIVE: A Complete Breakdown Of WWE SummerSlam

My Take On SummerSlam – By Bob Bamber

That was your party WWE? “The biggest party of the summer”? Well, I’m afraid it didn’t exactly blow the house down. Two incomplete finishes and a return of Superman John Cena (did he ever leave?) combining with a pretty lousy card overall made for a poor pay off from “one of the big four”.

It wasn’t a night without its up shots though. Daniel Bryan and The Undertaker returned, Laycool and Melina set up the prospect of a Women’s title unification match, and The Miz proved why he really is main event with another sterling promo at the beginning of the second hour.

Here is my match by match breakdown of the night:

Kofi Kingston vs Dolph Ziggler – Intercontinental Title

(Had problems with my TV provider, so missed the opening 10 minutes or so minutes of the PPV). This match from what I saw looked good, but was The Nexus invasion really necessary? It does keep this feud going into Night Of Champions, but did we really the beat down did nothing for me. I’m getting tired of them.

Melina vs Alicia Fox – Divas Title

Your (regrettably) classic divas match. We’ve seen Melina put Alicia out with two different moves on the last two weeks of Raw, so the finish was a surprise when she used another move to do the job. As usual there was very little to see here. The LayCool arrival later on excites me a little bit as there are far worse combinations in the company right now than a Melina vs Michelle feud, and if it unifies the belt at Night of Champions I certainly won’t be complaining.


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