A British Point of View: Golden Goldust!

This past week we found out who the individual is who is sending messages to Ted Dibiase and Maryse. As it turns out it was Goldust who is infatuated with the Million Dollar Championship. 

It has been quite a while since Goldust has been given a push with a decent storyline and it’s nice to see.
I do wonder if Goldust humping a belt in the middle of the ring is suitable for children but hey, I’m trying to get of my soap box about the PG stuff.
Goldust has had an interesting life and career within the wrestling world and is currently due to have a book coming out near Christmas. This is most probably the reason why WWE has put him more into the spotlight but I think we all have to say that it is deserved.
He has always played a good role on TV whether in or out of wrestling shape. Goldust’s weight has always fluctuated but he currently looks to be in some of the best shape of his career. This has never had an effect on his promo skills. He has over the years managed to have been one of the strangest wrestlers we’ve ever seen with promos that make you laugh and also make you cringe.
As JR has recently said in his blog, Dustin Rhodes (Goldust) book would be a very interesting read and I would too be interested to see his take on the different events that have happened to him over the years.
I hope this rivalry continues to develop and he gets more TV time to guide some of the younger roster members on how to cut promos within this industry. I hope this angle manages to project Ted Dibiase into a better light as I feel his character has done nothing new since the events of Wrestlemania.
Speaking of Ted Dibiase I have to mention that I am not too impressed with his new entrance music. I feel his previous one suited his character more, but that’s just my impression.
One of the other rivalries that is currently wetting my appetite is Edge and The Miz. Their verbal altercation on RAW this past week was nothing short of impressive. They both have the ability to take real life aspects and twist into the characters.
Edge seems to be doing well in being a “real voice” voicing most of our opinions regarding some of the stupid things that WWE is up to at the minute.
It looks like both Edge and The Miz will be the captains for the Smackdown and RAW teams for Bragging Rights. Last year’s efforts in this tag team match were quite poor, but with these two men in the mix I am quite looking forward to the development of this rivalry.
One other aspect of RAW that most people seemed to be frustrated about is John Cena and his lack of Nexus attire.
I think WWE is doing the usual waiting game. As the story is developed more I think Cena will end up in his Nexus shirt. If the storyline never reaches that far then I think that t-shirt sales definitely rule the storyline world of WWE. We shall have to wait and see…
Any comments are welcome at beansontoastuk@msn.com and if you want to get hold of me on Twitter you can find me at www.twitter.com/beansontoastuk

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