EXCLUSIVE: The Mark Brothers; Go All The Way


The Jeff Jarrett-Kurt Angle give-and-take on Impact! bothered me. Insulting Karen Angle/Jarrett/Buczkowski/Gildon doesn’t bug me. I knew what she was all about long before Kurt did. Never trust a stripper, let alone marry one. But were Kurt and Karen’s kids watching?

But if the children aren’t a concern, why not take this further?

Kurt’s taking time off. During his absence, put Karen back on TV with Jarrett. Make it crystal-clear that they’re having sex, and were doing so even when Kurt and Karen were married. Don’t leave the situation to Internet innuendo. Karen should cut promos saying Jarrett is nailing her better than Kurt ever did. Kurt returns and asks Jarrett if he was banging Karen while his wife was still alive.

If you’re going to indulge in human cockfighting, GO ALL THE WAY. That way it’s not just for Vince Russo’s private amusement. The audience is SUPPOSED to be in on it. Subtlety is subtlety. Reality is reality.

If you don’t want to do it that way – the way that could, y’know, IMPACT THE VIEWERSHIP – then don’t mention it at all. What’s the point?

Too much of today’s booking is about inside stuff. About working the boys. Russo believes that shoot issues feed into on-screen emotion. That’s nonsense. Idiotic. It just makes everyone involved feel awkward.

Steve Austin and Vince McMahon didn’t really hate each other. The nWo wasn’t really an invading army from WWE. But reality TV is much easier to write than a drama or sitcom, because it requires one-tenth the creativity.

That should be on Russo’s tombstone – he had one-tenth the creativity.

I am not for ANY of this. Not what was said on IMPACT!, not what’s suggested above. Why does Kurt Angle need to expose a sordid chapter of his private life? He’s the best all-around performer in wrestling. I would think that gives a booker enough to work with.

Know why Russo goes this route? Because he LIKES to. He ENJOYS making people squirm. What a phony-ass hypocrite of a Christian. I bet Jesus is so proud.

Then again, He probably isn’t watching TNA. Like most people.

Mark Madden hosts a radio show 3-6 p.m. weekdays on WXDX-FM, Pittsburgh. Check out the Mark Madden page at WXDX.com. Contact Mark via wzmarkmadden@hotmail.com.


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