A British Point of View: Break a Leg Linda!

Break a Leg – This means good luck to someone in the UK and I have no idea whether anyone outside of the UK understands this title, if not then i’m presuming there are a lot of people thinking that i wish an unfortunate leg injury upon Linda McMahon, here’s hoping that you don’t! 

Monday Night RAW – This week was not as disappointing as I had expected. I have to admit the shameless sequence with Vince McMahon was strange and didn’t sit right with me.
It was original though and for that I must not completely condemn it. Freddy Prinze Jr did as good a job as he’s always done on a WWE camera and you can always tell which celebrities are actually fans of the product.
When Vince asked Freddy how the product was doing I desperately thought he was going to scream that the product is shit down his ear for a split second, If only!
All the wrestling world awaits today’s results of Linda McMahon’s attempts at running for senate but does it actually matter to the Wrestling world?
Even if Linda doesn’t get voted in can you actually see the product changing back to its PG-13 slot? I can’t.
You don’t have trailers every week showing the “Stand up for WWE” campaign with the PG rated logo around it claiming to be suitable for all audiences if you are wondering whether to change back to a PG-13 rated product in the near future. Sure, the product might go back to that at some point but it’s going to take time and it won’t be a sudden change.
We’d all love nothing more than Vince to come out on next weeks RAW and announce that he’s going to change things. It’s not a smart move even if he could do it. He’s spent 5 years pulling children into the product with John Cena and slowly developed this PG rated environment. He would be foolish to alienate the parents who allow their children to watch WWE at the moment by shifting to a more adult natured product as it would cost him more money in merchandising and also leave the door open for more criticism down the line.
He will let the organisation and PG rated era grow with the children, when the ratings have fallen low enough, when Cena becomes even staler, when the children have got more into their teens and when buy rates drop on John Cena’s T Shirts (and they have gone through every colour in the damn rainbow) then and only then will Vince be tempted to push the button.
Another segment that confused me this week on RAW was the massive response Pee Wee Herman got. Now I know I’m in the minority here but Pee Wee is obviously an American children’s icon who everyone grew up watching, but yet again I question the knowledge from the rest of the world. I’m obviously in the UK and have never watched Pee Wee except hearing about some films, has any other European country heard of him?
That being said the segment was entertaining non-the-less but he did freak me out slightly, sorry maybe it’s just me.
WWE must be doing something right anyway as I’ve recently purchased tickets to the RAW and Smackdown shows here in Manchester next week. In the past I would have bought them the day it’s gone on sale but this time round I’ve not been as interested and only just purchased some cheap seats in the rafters. Maybe next time I won’t even bother at all?
It does make me wonder about the current state of ticket sales though as in the past you could never get hold of a ticket for a UK event, especially seeing as they started to do television shows over here now. But these shows are next week and a lot of the dates still have tickets readily available. Maybe the interest over here is rapidly dropping too, seeing as most people I know take more interest in TNA at the moment; it does make you have cause for concern.
Has attendance for events dropped in any recent shows you’ve attended? Am I way off with Linda and were possibly on the verge of going back to the old days? Or am I just talking a load of garbage. Email me on beansontoastuk@msn.com and get in touch through Twitter at www.twitter.com/beansontoastuk

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