EXCLUSIVE: Talent Raids: Easier Than Booking!


TNA has a bit less T&A due to the departure of Lacey Von Erich, utterly talentless in terms of ring skills but my personal love goddess nonetheless. Given her family’s circumstances within the context of wrestling, escaping the biz seems smart.

Lacey reportedly wants to be a sportscaster. She could do it. She’s got the look, and she can talk. If she’s willing to sleep with her superiors and famous athletes, Lacey Von Erich would be very popular. Look at Erin Andrews.

All Lacey seems to lack is a mentor, an old hand at the electronic media, somebody to shear off the rough edges and open doors.

So, Lacey – apply within.

Seriously, it’s hard to believe TNA can find roles for some of the company’s middling female talent, but not for someone who looks like THAT.

Better yet, fire all the women. None ever drew a dime, anyway.


If making Michael Cole look like a jackass was the goal of having Jim Ross briefly join the broadcast team during the “old school” Raw, mission accomplished. Ross, talking around Cole’s incessant whining, displayed the distinct style, storytelling and professionalism that distinguished his legendary career.

Cole, meanwhile – and this isn’t his fault – reminded viewers that A) he’s not Jim Ross and B) a play-by-play guy who adopts a heel persona disseminates too little information and (in Cole’s case) too much unentertaining drivel.

How can Ross not still be doing Raw? How can his TV career be over at 58? Gordon Solie still had a functional liver at that age.

Memo to TNA: Hire Jim Ross to oversee wrestling operations. Have Ross replace Count Chocula on play-by-play. Then, you’ve got a chance.

Mark Madden hosts a radio show 3-6 p.m. weekdays on WXDX-FM, Pittsburgh. Check out the Mark Madden page at WXDX.com. Contact Mark via [email protected].