The IWC is in on it. Even some of its more respected “journalists,” none of whom I’ll ridicule by name.
I read so many positive reviews of garbage events, it makes my head spin. But it’s easy to see the rationale for such kid-glove treatment: The more popular wrestling is, the more those depending on that popularity prosper. So they try to prop the business up. I’m not sure if they still know better, or if they’ve lied so long it seems like the truth by now.
You might be in the latter boat if you really think WWE and/or TNA are good. Or perhaps you don’t know better. Or maybe you’re not old enough to have seen when wrestling was good. Or maybe you’re just a jackass. At any rate, the business sucks right now. UFC has put pro wrestling on the backburner. Real fights trump fake fights.
Guys like Kevin Kelly and Joey Styles can say whatever they want. Both of their opinions are informed. But I had to chuckle when Styles implied Nash coasted on being big.
In wrestling, being big matters. A lot. Always did, always will. Anybody who says otherwise is ignoring the reality of history.
I also have to chuckle at attempts to minimize Nash. Three letters, kids: n-W-o. When somebody integral to an angle that big opines, his assessment matters at least as much as the outlook of two announcers who had borderline careers. Three, if you count me.
I chuckle, too, at the shoot-video slander perpetrated upon C.M. Punk by Jeff and Matt Hardy. HILARIOUS.
Look at Punk, then look at the Hardyz. Who looks to be in more trouble? The flop sweat coating Jeff on Impact answers that. You know what causes THAT, don’t you?
The IWC has anointed some strange heroes. These two are among the strangest.
Mark Madden hosts a radio show 3-6 p.m. weekdays on WXDX-FM, Pittsburgh. Check out the Mark Madden page at Contact Mark via [email protected].