EXCLUSIVE: Reality Of The WWE Announcers & Futures

I have been fortunate enough to have several years doing play by play for college basketball games, and I have always felt in anything, the color commentary role is a true talent if you can do it well. My best experience was getting to call a basketball game inside of “The Q” arena in Cleveland, that was part of a double header of basketball where the LeBron James Cleveland Cavaliers would play later that evening in the building. Great crowd, great atmosphere! Easy for me to feed off of it and call the action, the color guy on the other hand has to sneak in with the right amount of time and offer something interesting without getting repetitive. Not as easy as it sounds.

Jerry Lawler: The King is and will always be until he retires or CM Punk permanently quits wrestling, the undisputed best color guy the WWE has on its books. Even with the PG limitations of what use to be hilarious PG-14 remarks, Lawler makes it work.

Matt Striker: The biggest problem Striker has is he is so damn smart. If that is the biggest problem you have, you are doing alright. The encyclopedic knowledge of body parts, injuries and just the english vocabulary is impressive and good gimmick. Its not original but Striker makes it his own with his delivery and inflection. This guy obviously loves the product and what he is doing. His quick wits while hosting NXT season 3 was the only thing, next to Kaitlyn, worth logging on for.

Josh Matthews: The small kid who did a beautiful moonsault on Tough Enough has come a long way. The Cole/Lawler involvement in current storylines has gotten Matthews a lot of air time as of late on RAW. He still seems like he is trying to find his voice. He works well with whoever he has been out there with which is a good sign. In my opinion he is still trying to develop his own style and so that when you think Josh Matthews, something can stand out.

I don’t expect an application of phone call in my near future but if I do get put in the pressure position of a once in a lifetime chance, I will remember to take a deep breath, not use pronouns, listen when Vince tells you to say something and no matter what, I can’t embarrass myself as bad as Mike Adamle!

And if I do, I always have the Chair Shot Reality which is exclusive to Wrestlezone.com

I will be giving you play by play via Twitter of my weekend as we take the show up to Boston for the Rumble and then Providence for some beautiful ringside seats for RAW.

You can email me at [email protected]