21-2=19, 1-1=0; Therefore, Undertaker Returns On 2-21-11

21-2=19, 1-1=0; Therefore, Undertaker Returns On 2-21-11

By: Chris Cash, Managing Editor

"If you zoom in, you can see ‘Sting’ written in the sand"

"Those are clearly pointed boots; the Undertaker never wore pointed boots.  Therefore, it has to be a promo for Sting!"

"The smoke coming off of 2-21-11 at the end spells Sting!  Well, I can clearly tell the first letter is an ‘S’ and the last letter is a ‘G’.  That’s enough, right?"

"I’m a huge Undertaker fan and that is clearly not the Undertaker’s walk.  Any real wrestling fan would know that!"

And my personal favorite…

"If you subtract 2 from 21, you get 19 and 1-1 is 0.  This promo is clearly for the Undertaker because it also indicates that he’ll be back to defend his win streak at WrestleMania."

These are just a few of the recent emails I’ve received regarding the mysterious vignette that aired on last night’s edition of Monday Night Raw.  What probably started as a simple effort to bring the Undertaker back has now taken a life of its own.

And Vince McMahon must be eating it up.

I hope he is.  Surely this reaction must prove true the "Keep It Simple Stupid" method.  What would have been a typical post-ppv follow up show of a Raw on 2/21 is now becoming a must-see event.  If it isn’t, already.

Let’s look at the candidates:

Anyone besides the Undertaker or Sting – at this point, I would say "not a chance".  It could have started off that way (potentially Kong, a new gimmick, etc.), but fans would be way too disappointed if the reveal is any less than those two.  I honestly think fans may even be disappointed if it turns out to be the Undertaker.

The Undertaker –
the more likely choice given the fact we "know" he’s signed with the company.  He’s also expected to be at WrestleMania this year and six weeks is all the time required to build to his annual match with the "Streak" on the line.  I give Taker 2/1 odds. 

Sting – the NY Daily Times somehow outscooped the scoopers and announced that Sting has signed a one-year deal with the WWE.  No one has denied it at this point, so I guess it’s feasible.  Surprising though, seeing as how Sting vowed never to work for Vince and the WWE.  I still wait for the day that never actually does mean never in professional wrestling.  NEVERtheless, I give Sting 10/1 odds.

I’m sure more information on Sting’s potential signing will be released over the weeks to come, but even if it’s all a hoax and Sting was never slated to join the WWE family, it  has sure been fun while it’s lasted.  Imagining the fantasy matchups that seem endless right now pairing Sting with Cena, Punk, an inevitable return of Ric Flair, Randy Orton, Jericho, etc.  Yes, even an iconic showdown between Sting and the Undertaker is certainly a match for the ages. 

Sting may not have a lot of time left lacing up his boots, but that’s plenty of time for me. He’s truly the one big player left that his not giving in and signing with Vince has made wrestling fans miss out on a lot of great, historical moments.

If he works the Crow gimmick (and he should), his age and lost steps in the ring can be disguised.  Look at what the Undertaker has accomplished since changing his style to suit his age.  He works smarter, not harder. Sting knows how.

The hype surrounding February 21st, 2011 has led to something much more now. 


It’s a reminder that Sting has never wrestled in a WWE ring.  It’s a reminder that he still has classic matches to be wrestled in said WWE ring.  And a reminder that the WWE is still the place to be at some point in your career as a wrestler.  2-22-11 has provided us with hope that it could all change in one night.

Damn! Now I’m going to be disappointed if it turns out to be the Undertaker.

Chris Cash can be reached via email at [email protected].