Was The Booker T/Kevin Nash Debacle Good For TNA?

Was the Nash/Booker T Debacle a Good Move for TNA?

By Kevin Kelly

As bad as it gets. A black eye for the company. Is TNA run by meth addicts?… I saw all the headlines. But in the wake of the humiliation for TNA of having Kevin Nash and Booker T sign with the WWE in the midst of an angle to bring them back in, I wonder if it wasn’t a blessing in disguise for the woebegone gang of misfits, disguised as a wrestling company.

Bear with me for a second…while TNA had to be embarrassed and angry when they learned that Nash and Booker would be re-appearing at the Royal Rumble, one has to admit that neither Kevin Nash nor Booker T would have made a damn bit of difference if they would have come back as part of the new-and-improved Main Event Mafia. I can say that with relative confidence because a) TNA’s ratings are stagnant, regardless of whom they bring out and b) both Nash and Booker hadn’t been gone for very long. Hardly enough time to make a difference.

How much would TNA have shelled out to get little in return? Now, it’s not like TNA can all of a sudden point to a flash of fiscal responsibility because they got “played”. But, it’s money they didn’t waste. This time. Remember, TNA is the same company who reportedly paid $15,000 to get an appearance from J-WOWW from “Jersey Shore” and has a bloated roster of former WWE names who suffer under the putrid creative direction that allows no one to get over, regardless of talent or perceived value.

So, here is what I want TNA to do with the money they were going to spend on Nash and Booker…