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I love the speculation of who will face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 27. has exclusively reported that Sting has NOT been contacted by the WWE. That says enough for me to say that we will not see a “dream match” between Steve Borden and Mark Calloway in Atlanta . They have been compared for years, with mystifying characters that intrigue the regular viewer, and peaks interest of casual fans. People flocked to Sting’s crow persona. People rose from the dead to see The Undertaker in the Attitude Era, as well as his recent feuds with Shawn Michaels. Still, I do not understand why people still want to see this match, even though the marquee on the program will look better than Taker V. Barrett. A combined age of this match would be 98 years old. The arguments will be, “they can still go at their age,” or “Rock and Hogan was a huge draw with Hogan aging.” Let me clarify myself. I would love to see Sting in the WWE, but I am a realist, and this is unlikely. A match between the two could turn out for the worse in the ring.
So, where does WWE Creative go from here? It looks like they have an idea in mind. They have to, right? Time is ticking, and the promos are an intelligent plow to hype the return of The Undertaker. Here is a list of who he COULD fight, not necessarily will.
Triple H: A likely late change in plans. Do we really want to see Sheamus and H one more time? The match a year ago was less to be desired, and the build up was sub par at best. Neither needs this match to boost their careers, and Triple H would rather be in a high profile match instead of a grudge match stuck around hour number two of the Pay per View. A rematch of WrestleMania 17, ten years later, and HHH could do what he has been wanting to for years, turn heel. He also could be a face, which we have seen successful the past two Mania events with Taker. Also, insert HBK and possibly Kevin Nash to try and cost The Undertaker his match. Who knows, I have heard worse ideas.
John Cena: This is unlikely, as WWE have penciled in Miz and Cena. Doesn’t a pencil usually come with an eraser? Frankly, Cena is the only wrestler left that fans could “buy” ending the streak. I will go on record now saying that the streak will never be broken. It shouldn’t be broken. Period. We can still wonder “could it really happen?” A match we haven’t really seen before. Yes, they have faced each other in the past, but nothing like the stage it could be in Atlanta .
Edge and Del Rio : A triple threat match for the World Title? I would not mind this, even though it is not a big draw. What better than having the Deadman try to beat TWO men instead of one? A good build, great mic work from Del Rio , and will extend Del Rio ’s push even faster and further in two months.
Bill Goldberg: Atlanta , Georgia . Georgia dome is where Goldberg beat Hogan on Nitro for the World Title. What is a better marquee than Goldberg, with his past streak of over a full year that is more impressive than The Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak. Induct Bill in the Hall of Fame, because he is not a leader of a Hall of Fame class. Those go to guys like Flair, Hart, Michaels, and Austin . The match could be sloppy, missed spots, much like Sting, but I would rather see these two battle it out for 12 minutes.
Will any of these happen, maybe. But like every other columnist, I sport my opinion with knowledge and put aside my “Markisms.” I love the business aspect of professional wrestling and the business side would say go with Goldberg or Sting. Forget the actual wrestling matches. We can get that with Morrison, Punk, Orton, Miz, Bryan , etc.
Josh Isenberg, over.
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